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Smyth County Jam Bios

Cleghorn Band

Cleghorn Band - Cleghorn Band is one of our premier local bands and we were happy to have them visit the Smyth County Jam as a group.

An interview with Andy and Rhonda Blevins is already on the website biographies; but giving credit again for both of them, they are husband and wife. Andy plays bass and Rhonda fiddle, they are a good team.

Add to the mix the other very talented members: Randal Eller, who plays guitar and sings. He is also a luthier; producing fiddles and mandolins of high quality.

Ken Lundy plays banjo and sings high tenor.

Ryan Blevins is Andy's brother, and he plays mandolin (mostly) guitar and banjo, and sings as well! Craig Blevins plays guitar and mandolin.

The entire band lives in the Cleghorn Valley area. They have been together about sixteen years. Their version of the hauntingly, beautiful "Shenandoah" sung a cappella will blow you away.

Interview date: 2009-06-22